


Business officers and personnel administrators use the Personnel Administration Actions
(PA40) functionality to carry out a variety of required processes at UK. More specifically, these
users select Actions via PA40 to carry out hiring and rehiring, transfers, additional assignments,
separations, and other processes that change individual assignments.
Users can think of PA40 Actions as the means for connecting a person (employee) to a specific
position. Because of the builtin relationships, the position is tied to a specific employee group
and subgroup and is described by a job. Too, the position belongs to a particular organizational
Regardless of the Action selected, the user will follow a general process or pattern for PA40.
Actions are carried out through a series of Infotypes, screens that display for user review and data
entry. These Infotypes appear in a logical order, prompting the user to enter data as required and
Infotypes that appear in Actions cover personal data, payroll data, organizational assignments,
dates, work schedules, and address information. Additional Infotypes are included for faculty
members and hospital hires. Other background Infotypes are created in the Actions process.

Tips and Reminders

· Be sure to begin with a blank Person ID field when executing:
o New Hires
o Rehires/
o Changes in Positions/Transfers
o Additional Assignments
· Enter the Start date before initiating any Action.
· When creating the 0002 Infotype for a new hire, users must carefully examine any popup
information concerning a student ID that already exists and avoid creating duplicate IDs.
· Save! Save! Save! In the event of an interruption during the New Hire Action, users should
make every effort to save Infotypes 0000, 0002, and 0001.
· Required fields are denoted with a check mark ( ). These fields must be completed
before continuing.
· Only active employee records were converted from HRS to IRISHR/Payroll.
· The Business Officer role includes the ability to create and maintain cost distribution (0027)
for staff and student employees, as well as parttime faculty members.
· Cost distribution records for the fulltime faculty are updated by FES processes.
HR Cost Objects and Cost Distribution

HR Cost Objects and Cost Distribution

HR Cost Objects and Cost Distribution Information

Endusers who are authorized to carry out Personnel Administration Actions need understanding
of cost objects and cost distribution functionality in IRIS. The cost object processed against
earnings or deductions is based upon hierarchy logic. The following points help to explain the
· Each employee is linked to an organizational unit via a position. This relationship can be
found on Organizational Assignment (Infotype 0001).
· Each Organization unit is linked to what is called a home (or default) Cost Center (this is
a 1:1 link). This Cost Center displays on the employee record on Infotype 0001.
· Positions are linked to cost distribution through Cost Distribution (Infotype 1018).
This allows for multiple cost objects with percentage break downs. (System users will
find 1018 similar to the HRS 063 screen.)
· All positions should have an Infotype 1018 record.
· Employees can be linked to a cost distribution through Cost Distribution (Infotype
0027). Again, this allows for multiple cost objects with percentage breakdowns. (System
users will find 0027 similar to the HRS 036 screen.)
· An 0027 record is not required for all employees.
· Additional payments are entered through Recurring Payments (Infotype 0014) and
Additional Payments (Infotype 0015). Payments entered on these infotypes can be
directly linked to a single cost object, if desired (not required).

Illustrations of Cost Distribution and Payroll Processing

EE #10111111– John Doe
· John is linked to a position 50999999; therefore he is related to Dept ABC. Dept ABC is
linked to Cost Center 1099999999.
If payroll processed at this point, with only the link to Dept ABC, all cost would be
charged to CC 1099999999. This is not a likely scenario.
· Position 50999999 has an IT 1018 with 70% going to Cost Center 1088888888 and 30%
going to Cost Center 1077777777.
If payroll processed at this point, the 1018 would override the home cost center, and cost
would be charged 70% to CC 1088888888 and 30% to CC 1077777777. This is the most
probable scenario.
· John Doe, EE #10111111, has an IT 0027 with 60% going to Cost Center 1055555555 and
40% going to Cost Center 1044444444.
If payroll processed at this point, the 0027 would override the 1018 cost centers, and cost
would be charged 60% to CC 1055555555 and 40% to CC 1044444444.
· John Doe has an Additional Payment of $1,000. This payment is charged to Cost Center
1022222222. IT 0027 still exists.
If payroll processed at this point, the $1,000 payment would be charged to Cost Center
1022222222. All other costs would follow what is on 0027 which would be 60% to CC
1055555555 and 40% to CC 1044444444.
Note that the progression of overrides will hold true with any combination of the above.

Hiring Actions

Instructions for Hiring Actions

Main Campus Create Assignment (PA40)

To carry out a New Hire (Main Campus Create Assignment) Action:
1. Enter PA40 in the Command field on the SAP Easy Access screen.
2. When Personnel Actions appears, make sure the Person ID field is empty. Record the Start
3. Under Action Type, click the box to the left of Main Campus Create Assignment.
4. Click the execute icon at the top left of the screen.

5. The Employee Recognition box will appear.Complete the following fields:
Last Name
First Name
Date of Birth
Social Security Number

Hint: Social Security Number can be used alone for a more accurate search.
6. Click in the bottom left corner of the pop up screen.
7. If the search did not yield a match, the Query screen will appear next.

9. This will bring up the Create Actions Infotype.

10. The Pers No. field will be highlighted. Do not enter anything in this field! The Personnel
Number will be automatically generated by the hiring Action. Press the tab key.
11. Click the button to the right of the Reason for Action field. The following screen will
12. Doubleclick on the appropriate Reason for Action code. The Create Actions Infotype will
display the numeric code in the Reason for Action field.

13. Tab to the Position field and enter the position number, if known.

14. To search for the position, click the button to the right of the Position field.

15. Press enter. This will bring up the following message:

Click in the bottom left corner of the popup screen.
16. The remaining fields will be populated with default values. A message will also appear at the
bottom of the screen prompting the user to save entries.

17. Click at the top of the screen. This will save the record and bring up the next InfotypeCreate
Personal Data.

A message will appear at the bottom of Create Personal Data to indicate that a new record
has been created.
18. If the initial search was completed by using only the Social Security Number, that field will
be populated. The remaining fields should be completed:
Last name
First name
Middle name (if known)
Suffix (optional)
Birth date
Marital Status (if available)
Enter and save.
NOTE: The system checks to determine if the new hire has an existing student record. If an exact
match exits, a popup
will prompt you to select the student. The selection ensures that the same
ID number (student) will be used for the employee’s Person ID.
If there is a partial match, you must examine the data carefully and decide to either use the same
number or create a new one.
Careful attention will help to avoid the creation of duplicate IDs.
19. When all information has been entered, click at the top of the screen. This will save the
records and bring up the next Infotype Create Organizational Assignment.

A message will appear at the bottom of Create Organizational Assignment to indicate that
a new record has been created.
20. Press Enter. Default values will populate the remaining fields. A message will also appear at
the bottom of the screen prompting the user to save entries.
NOTE: If message “Additional Relationship needed” appears, contact the Compensation Office
for assistance. (This is an additional relationship required to correct the mapping to GL Accounts
in FI.)
21. Click at the top of the screen. This will save the record and bring up the next Infotype –
Create Addresses.
A message will appear at the bottom of the Create Addresses to indicate that a new record has
been created.
22. Complete the following fields:
Address Line 1
State/Zip Code

Click the button to the right of the County field to search for the county of residence.
This code is used for health insurance purposes and must be accurate.
Check to see that the Mail Code (org unit) field is correct. The employee’s the pay
statement will be delivered to the org unit listed.
23. When all required fields are completed, click at the top of the screen.
A message will appear at the bottom of the next screen to indicate that a new record has been
24. Create Planned Working Time Infotype follows. Enter the Employment percent (FTE).
Also verify the information in the Work schedule rule and Working time boxes.
Changes to the work schedule should be made here.
Enter and save.

The Employment percent is the FTE of the employee. It is directly tied to the Personnel
Subarea field and can only be entered for valid ranges. See table below for valid
combinations –
PSA Code   PSA Text              Min   Max
0001           Reg FT                 100   100
0002           Reg PTFaculty      20     99.99
0003           Reg PT >.74          75     99.99
0004           Reg PT .50.74        50    74.99
0005           Reg PT .20.49        20    49.99
0006           Temp FT              100     100
0007           Temp PT >.20        20     99.99
0011            Unpaid                0.07     100
0012            NonService         0.07     100
0013            Temp PT <.20     0.07    19.99
25. Create Basic Pay Infotype appears next. The hourly/monthly pay amount must be entered
from the approved Salary Recommendation Form.
After entering the pay amount, press the Enter key to populate the annual salary field. If you
receive an error/warning, verify that the pay amount entered is correct. If the pay is outside
of the range for the grade level of the position, doublecheck
the pay rate. If the pay is
correct, enter past the record and save the Infotype. If the amount is incorrect, press enter,
and then reenter
the pay amount.
· For exempt monthly assignments, the pay rate must be entered as a monthly amount.
· For nonexempt
biweekly assignments, the pay rate must be entered as an hourly rate.
· For Graduate Student assignments, the pay rate must be entered as a biweekly pay amount.
· In some instances the Base Pay should be $0. For example, Fellowships and Faculty with
Summer Assignments should have $0 for Base Pay. Save the 0008 record with 0. Then enter
the amount the employee should receive, using IT0014 Recurring Payments or IT0015
Additional Payments.
Verify information and save.
26. The next Infotype Change Date Specifications will appear. The dates listed are default
dates and should not be changed. Click to save.

27. Next the Create Additional Personal Data Infotype will appear. Record the Ethnic Origin.
Press Enter and save.

28. This completes the New Hire Action. The Personnel Actions screen will appear with a
message at the bottom of the screen indicating that the record has been created.

29. Use Z_PAR to create the PAR, obtain required signatures, and forward PAR and all other
required documents to Compensation.

Hospital Create Assignment (PA40)

To carry out a New Hire (Hospital Create Assignment) Action:
1. Enter PA40 in the Command field on the SAP Easy Access screen.
2. When Personnel Actions appears, make sure the Person ID field is empty. Record the Start
3. Under Action Type, click the selection button to the left of Hospital Create Assignment.
4. Click the execute button at the top left of the screen.
5. Follow the same steps through all Infotypes as described for Main Campus Create
6. An additional Infotype Hospital
Salary will
appear. In the Employee Experience As of
month/yr field, enter the number of months/years of experience. In the Education (for
nurses only) field, select correct degree choice, and then save.
7. The Person: Change Profile Infotype will appear. Click on the icon.
8. Work through remaining Infotypes, verifying and saving information. After entering the
employee’s ethnic origin on Additional Personal Data (final Infotype), save.
This completes the New Hire Action. The Personnel Actions screen will appear with a
message that the record has been created.
9. Use Z_PAR to create the PAR, obtain required signatures, and forward PAR and all other
required documents to Compensation.

Faculty Hire Action (PA40)

To carry out a Faculty Hire Action:
1. Enter PA40 in the Command field on the SAP Easy Access screen.
2. When Personnel Actions screen appears, make sure the Person ID field is empty. Record
the Start date.
3. Under Action Type, click the selection button to the left of Main Campus Create
4. Click the execute button at the top left of the screen.
5. Complete Employee Recognition Screen fields and continue.
6. In the Query box, choose New Employee.
7. On Actions (0000), enter Faculty Hire as the Reason for Action.
8. Enter the position number and press Enter. Click the continue icon on the Default Value
Box, if it appears, and save .
9. Continue to enter and save through each Infotype as it is called and note the following
information for faculty hires.
10. Enter marital status if known on Create Personal Data (0002).
11. On Organizational Assignment (0001), verify that the Contract field value is
12. On Create Addresses (0006), remember to enter the County field and check the
Mail Code (org unit) field.
13. On Basic Pay (0008), enter correct Wage Type:
If receiving a new administrative stipend that is part of base pay, use 1110; other
salary is included in 1010;
Enter 1210 if the new faculty hire is parttime
(without benefits);
Use 1010 with an Amount of zero, when the hire is VA faculty receiving all salary
from VA.
14. On Basic Pay (0008), enter the monthly salary in the Amount field and save.
Deferred Pay Reminders:
For a ninemonth
appointment, the amount is calculated by dividing the contracted
salary by 9. For example, $90,000/9 = $10,000.
For a tenmonth
appointment, the amount is calculated by dividing the contracted
salary by 10. For example, $90,000/10 = $9,000.
Note that the Annual Salary will appear overstated. The True Annual Salary will be

15. Continue to verify and save each Infotype as it is called.
16. For ninemonth
faculty hires, the Action Start date must be 08/01/2006. If the true hire date is
08/15, however, adjust on Change Date Specifications (0041).
17. The final Infotype is Create Contract Elements (016). Select the correct contract type and
save. This completes the Action.

18. After completing the PA40 Action, use Z_PAR to create the PAR and obtain required
signatures. Forward PAR and all other required documents to Compensation.

Payroll Authorization Record

Creating and Printing a Payroll Authorization Record (Z_PAR)

To create and print a Payroll Authorization Record (PAR):

1. Enter Z_PAR in the Command field on the SAP Easy Access screen. (Keying /nZ_PAR
opens the transaction in a new session.)
2. Choose Other Period . (This should default.) Period should display
default value of 01/01/2006.
3. Enter the Start date of the Action in the To field.
4. Enter the Personnel Number (PerNr) and Person id for the employee.
5. Click the execute button to create the PAR.

6. To save the PAR, click on List, choose Save/Send, and then File. Choose Unconverted.
Click on the continue icon. Choose a folder on your computer, enter a file name, and
click on Generate.
7. To print the PAR, click on the Print icon, enter 2 in the Number of copies field, and
click on the continue icon to print.


Rehire/Reinstate (PA40)

Business officers and personnel administrators who are responsible for rehiring/reinstating former
UK employees must be mindful of the following:
At the time of the IRIS HR/Payroll implementation, only the records of active employees (those
paid in 2006) were converted.
The following step by step instructions assume that the rehired/reinstated employee has an existing record in the system.
In the event that no record is found, proceed with the Action as though the individual is a new
employee. In the Z_PAR transaction, note prior employment in the Comments line.

To rehire/reinstate a former UK employee:

1. Enter PA40 in the Command field of the SAP Easy Access screen.
2. On PA40, make sure the Person ID field is blank.
3. In the Start Date field, enter the date of the returning employee is being brought back to UK.
4. Select the appropriate Action – Main Campus Create Assignment or Hospital Create
Assignment – and click on the selection button to the left of the chosen Action. Click on Execute
5. The Employee Recognition box will appear.

Complete the following fields:
Last Name
First Name
Date of Birth
Social Security Number
** Not all fields have to be entered. If you want to search by Last Name or
SSN only, just enter those values. SSN is the most effective search with no
other fields entered. **
Click on the Continue icon.
6. This popup
box will appear next.
Click once on the employee name and click the Continue icon.
7. The system will then prompt you for the type of Action you are trying to accomplish.
Select the Rehiring of Employee option.

8. Copy Actions (Infotype 0000) will then be called. Note that the Action Type
Rehire/Reinstate will appear, as illustrated in the example below.
9. Select the correct Reason for Action code, based on determination of “rehire”

10. Next change the position to the correct position number for the rehired employee. Save this
screen and continue the Action like all others.
11. Continue the Rehire process. The following Infotypes will be called during the Action>
0002 Personal Data
0001 Organizational Assignment
0006 Addresses
0007 Planned Working Time
0008 Basic Pay
0041 Date Specifications
Faculty Rehires will also have the following Infotype:
0016 Contract Elements
Hospital Hires will also have the following Infotypes:
9002 Hospital Salary
0024 Skills
11. Use Z_PAR to create the PAR. Record appropriate Comment about employee being a rehire,
and print two copies. Obtain signatures, and attach all necessary documentation before
submitting to Compensation.