Separation Information
When UK employees leave the institution, business officers and personnel administratorsmust separate them with a PA40 Action. Separation is required for various reasons,
ranging from employee resignation to involuntary discharge.
Any break in service should result in a Separation. For example, separation is required for
students who leave positions after the spring semester (return in fall is uncertain).
Likewise, instructors who teach in the spring semester only must be separated when their
spring assignments conclude.
Tips and Reminders
· When beginning work on a separation, check to see if the employee has any otheractive assignments. Communicate with the other unit, in the event of an additional
assignment, so that improper separation does not take place.
· Complete required form and submit to Human Resources.
· Don’t confuse Separation with Transfer! If an employee is transferring to a new
position in another unit, the new assignment Action will cause the old one to end. No
Separation Action is required.
· An approved Leave does not constitute a Separation. Users should contact
Compensation if they have questions or need clarification.
· If funding is available, you can overlap the separating employee and the new
employee using the same position.
· For staff and parttime
faculty separations, the Cost Distribution (Infotype 0027) must
be delimited. Cost distribution records for fulltime
faculty members are maintained
through FES processes.
· Remember to create any required quota compensation payouts (Infotype 0416) for
staff members in accordance with UK policy and procedure. (See instructions in Time
Management section.)
· Terminal vacation payouts for 11 and 12month faculty members and postdoctoral
scholars are processed with Infotype 2010. (See instructions in Faculty Specifics
Separation Action Instructions (PA40)
To carry out the Separation Action, users should follow these steps:1. Enter PA40 in the Command field of the SAP Easy Access menu.
2. Make sure the Person ID field is clear when PA40 appears.
3. Enter the Person ID or search for employee and then press Enter.
4. Enter the Start Date. Select Separation from the Actions list and click the execute icon.
5. Enter the Reason for Action and press Enter though the system message and save .
6. When Organizational Assignment (0001) is called, verify that the position number has
defaulted to 99999999. Press Enter and save .
7. When Addresses (0006) is called, enter any new (forwarding) address and phone information,
if known, and save .
8. Recurring Payments/Deductions (0014) will appear if there are payments that should be
delimited. Save .
9. Delimit Cost Distribution (0027). Click on the Delimit icon.
Highlight the appropriate record to be ended.
Enter the end date in the Delimit Date field. This date should be the day after the true enddate. For example, if the end date is 06/30/2006, use 07/01/2006 as the delimit date.
10. Click the Delimit icon.
11. Submit separation form and any other documentation to Compensation.
12. One day after completing the Separation Action, create any required quota compensation
· Create any required quota compensation payouts (Infotype 0416) for staff members in
accordance with UK policy and procedure. (See instructions in Time Management
· Create any required terminal vacation payouts for 11 and 12monthfaculty members and
postdoctoral scholars (Infotype 2010). (See instructions in Faculty Specifics section.)