

Business officers and personnel administrators use the Personnel Administration Actions
(PA40) functionality to carry out a variety of required processes at UK. More specifically, these
users select Actions via PA40 to carry out hiring and rehiring, transfers, additional assignments,
separations, and other processes that change individual assignments.
Users can think of PA40 Actions as the means for connecting a person (employee) to a specific
position. Because of the builtin relationships, the position is tied to a specific employee group
and subgroup and is described by a job. Too, the position belongs to a particular organizational
Regardless of the Action selected, the user will follow a general process or pattern for PA40.
Actions are carried out through a series of Infotypes, screens that display for user review and data
entry. These Infotypes appear in a logical order, prompting the user to enter data as required and
Infotypes that appear in Actions cover personal data, payroll data, organizational assignments,
dates, work schedules, and address information. Additional Infotypes are included for faculty
members and hospital hires. Other background Infotypes are created in the Actions process.

Tips and Reminders

· Be sure to begin with a blank Person ID field when executing:
o New Hires
o Rehires/
o Changes in Positions/Transfers
o Additional Assignments
· Enter the Start date before initiating any Action.
· When creating the 0002 Infotype for a new hire, users must carefully examine any popup
information concerning a student ID that already exists and avoid creating duplicate IDs.
· Save! Save! Save! In the event of an interruption during the New Hire Action, users should
make every effort to save Infotypes 0000, 0002, and 0001.
· Required fields are denoted with a check mark ( ). These fields must be completed
before continuing.
· Only active employee records were converted from HRS to IRISHR/Payroll.
· The Business Officer role includes the ability to create and maintain cost distribution (0027)
for staff and student employees, as well as parttime faculty members.
· Cost distribution records for the fulltime faculty are updated by FES processes.

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